How It Works?
Step 1: Sign up a free business account
Step 2: Create a transaction order and enter promo code [BUSINESS100] to receive Reward(s) based on the criteria below.
Period | Requirement | Reward(s) |
17 June to 9 July 2024 | Transfer a minimum amount of RM50,000 in first transaction | 1 unit x THERMOS Stainless Steel King Food Jar with Spoon 470ml |
10 July to 31 July 2024 | Transfer a minimum amount of RM50,000 in first transaction | 1 unit x Gordon Ramsay Street Pizza RM75 voucher |
Step 3: Transaction successful & redeem your rewards!
Campaign Terms & Conditions
General Terms & Conditions
- Valid for first 20 new Business accounts that fulfil the minimum transaction amount as stated before 31.07.2024.
- Valid for first transaction in any currency.
- Additional terms and conditions may apply.
Reward Fulfilment Condition
- Customers will receive the Reward(s) from Authorized Sunway Money Business Consultant within one (1) month after the campaign ends.
- Customers of any Reward(s) are responsible for all ancillary and additional costs associated with the reward, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
- Reward(s) are non-exchangeable for upfront cash, credit, cheque or in kind; in part or in full.
- The given Reward(s) shall be final, conclusive and binding against them. The decision is made based on the Participation Criteria.
- Sunway Money reserves the right to change the Reward(s) at its discretion to another reward(s) of similar value, as per the Terms and Conditions of this Campaign.